elixir variables

Elixir Variables

In Elixir, variables are used to store and manipulate data. Here are some key points about Elixir variables:

  • Variables in Elixir are created by assigning a value to a name using the = operator.
  • Elixir variables are dynamically typed, meaning they can hold values of any type.
  • Variable names in Elixir start with a lowercase letter or an underscore, followed by any combination of lowercase letters, digits, and underscores.
  • Elixir variables are immutable, which means their values cannot be changed once assigned. Instead, when a variable is "modified," a new variable with the updated value is created.
  • Elixir uses pattern matching to assign values to variables. For example, x = 10 assigns the value 10 to the variable x.
  • Variables in Elixir are lexically scoped, meaning they are only accessible within the scope in which they are defined.

Here's an example of using variables in Elixir:

x = 10
y = 20
sum = x + y
IO.puts("The sum of #{x} and #{y} is #{sum}")

In this example, the variables x and y are assigned the values 10 and 20, respectively. The variable sum is then assigned the result of adding x and y. Finally, the IO.puts function is used to print the sum.

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