elixir list

In Elixir, a list is a collection of elements enclosed in square brackets. Lists can contain elements of any data type, and the elements can be of different types within the same list. Lists in Elixir are immutable, meaning that they cannot be modified once created.

To create a list in Elixir, you can simply enclose the elements in square brackets, separated by commas. For example, [1, 2, 3] is a list containing the integers 1, 2, and 3.

You can also use the [] syntax to create an empty list: [].

Elixir provides several functions for working with lists. Some common operations include:

  • hd/1 and tl/1 functions to get the head (first element) and tail (remaining elements) of a list, respectively.
  • length/1 function to get the length of a list.
  • ++/2 operator to concatenate two lists.
  • --[1, 2] operator to remove elements from a list.

Additionally, Elixir provides list comprehensions, which allow you to transform or filter lists in a concise manner. List comprehensions are similar to those in other functional programming languages like Haskell and Python.

Here is an example of a list comprehension that doubles each element in a list:

list = [1, 2, 3, 4]
doubled_list = for element <- list, do: element * 2

In this example, doubled_list will be [2, 4, 6, 8].

Overall, lists are a fundamental data structure in Elixir and are commonly used for storing and manipulating collections of elements. The immutability of lists in Elixir ensures that they are safe to work with in concurrent and distributed systems.