elixir catch

In Elixir, the catch keyword is used to catch and handle exceptions. It is typically used in conjunction with the try keyword to wrap a block of code that may potentially raise an exception.

Here's the syntax for using catch in Elixir:

try do
  # Code that may raise an exception
  pattern1 -> # Handle exception 1
  pattern2 -> # Handle exception 2

Within the catch block, you can specify one or more patterns to match against the exceptions that may be raised. Each pattern is followed by an arrow (->) and the code to handle the specific exception.

For example, let's say you have a function that divides two numbers and you want to handle the case when the denominator is zero. You can use catch to catch the ZeroDivisionError and handle it accordingly:

try do
  result = numerator / denominator
  ZeroDivisionError -> IO.puts("Error: Division by zero")

In this example, if the numerator is divided by zero (denominator), the ZeroDivisionError exception will be caught and the message "Error: Division by zero" will be printed.

It's important to note that using catch without any patterns will catch all exceptions. However, it's generally considered a good practice to be specific about the exceptions you want to handle, rather than catching all of them.

That's a brief overview of how to use the catch keyword in Elixir. Let me know if you have any further questions.