elixir eval ast

In Elixir, the Code.eval_quoted/3 function can be used to evaluate an abstract syntax tree (AST). This function takes three arguments: the AST to evaluate, the context in which to evaluate it, and a list of options.

Here is an example of how to use Code.eval_quoted/3 to evaluate an AST:

ast = quote do
  2 + 2

context = %{}

result = Code.eval_quoted(ast, context)


In this example, we define an AST using the quote macro, which represents the expression 2 + 2. We then create an empty context using the %{} syntax. Finally, we call Code.eval_quoted/3 with the AST, the context, and store the result in the result variable. We use IO.inspect/1 to print the result to the console.

When you run this code, it will output 4, which is the result of evaluating the AST 2 + 2 in the given context.

Note that evaluating arbitrary ASTs can be dangerous, as it can execute arbitrary code. It is important to ensure that the AST being evaluated comes from a trusted source to prevent potential security vulnerabilities.