liveview component mount

To mount a LiveView component in Elixir, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Create a new LiveView component module using the mix task or by manually creating a new module. This module should be placed in the lib/<your_app>/web/live directory.

  2. Inside the LiveView component module, define the necessary callbacks such as mount/2, render/1, handle_event/3, and handle_info/2. These callbacks define the behavior and functionality of the LiveView component.

  3. In the mount/2 callback, you can initialize any state or perform any necessary setup logic. This callback is called when the LiveView component is mounted and should return a tuple containing the initial state and a list of options.

  4. Use the phxLiveComponent macro to generate the appropriate HTML tag for the component in your Phoenix templates. This macro takes the name of the LiveView component module as an argument.

  5. Finally, include the LiveView component in your Phoenix view or template where you want it to be rendered. This can be done by using the generated HTML tag from the previous step.

That's it! Your LiveView component should now be mounted and ready to use in your Elixir application.