user group template tag django

The user group template tag in Django is used to control access to certain parts of a template based on the current user's group membership. Here's how to use it:

  1. Define the user groups in your Django application, such as "Admins" and "Managers," using the Group model provided by Django's authentication framework.
  2. Assign users to these groups using the groups field on the User model.
  3. In your template, use the {% if user.is_group %} or {% if user.is_not_group %} template tags to conditionally display content based on the user's group membership.

For example:

{% if user.groups.filter(name='Admins').exists %}
    <!-- Content for users in the Admins group -->
{% endif %}

{% if user.groups.filter(name='Managers').exists %}
    <!-- Content for users in the Managers group -->
{% endif %}

By following these steps, you can control the visibility of content within your Django templates based on the current user's group membership.