two input string sum in django

In your Django view, you can use the following steps to sum two input strings:

Step 1: Retrieve the input strings from the request object. Step 2: Convert the input strings to integers. Step 3: Perform the addition operation on the integer values. Step 4: Return the result as a response.

Here's an example of how you can implement these steps in a Django view:

from django.http import HttpResponse

def sum_strings(request):
    input_string1 = request.GET.get('string1')
    input_string2 = request.GET.get('string2')

        int_value1 = int(input_string1)
        int_value2 = int(input_string2)
        result = int_value1 + int_value2
        return HttpResponse('The sum is: {}'.format(result))
    except ValueError:
        return HttpResponse('Invalid input. Please provide valid integers.')