super in django manager

The super() function in Django is used in a manager to call the parent manager's methods. This allows you to extend the functionality of the parent manager while still retaining its original behavior.

When using super() in a Django manager, the following steps occur:

  1. Define a custom manager class: To create a custom manager, you need to define a class that inherits from the models.Manager class. This class will contain the additional methods or behavior you want to add to the manager.

  2. Override the desired methods: Within your custom manager class, you can override any of the methods from the parent manager that you want to modify or extend. By doing this, you can add custom logic or functionality to these methods.

  3. Call the parent manager's method using super(): To retain the original behavior of the parent manager, you need to call the parent's method within your custom method. This is done using the super() function, followed by the method name and the necessary arguments. This way, you can execute the parent method and then add your own logic before or after it.

  4. Add your custom logic: After calling the parent method with super(), you can add your own custom logic to the method. This can include additional database queries, data manipulation, or any other desired functionality.

By following these steps, you can effectively extend the functionality of a Django manager while still leveraging the existing behavior provided by the parent manager. This allows you to customize and enhance the behavior of your Django models to suit your specific needs.