staff user is not restricting permission in django

Using Django to Restrict Permissions for Staff Users

To restrict permissions for staff users in Django, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a Custom User Model: Create a custom user model that extends the AbstractUser class provided by Django. This will allow you to add custom fields and methods to the user model.

  2. Define Permissions: Define the specific permissions that you want to restrict for staff users. You can do this by using the Permission model provided by Django and creating custom permissions as needed.

  3. Override the User Manager: Override the user manager for the custom user model to ensure that staff users are created with the appropriate permissions. You can do this by creating a custom user manager that sets the appropriate permissions when creating staff users.

  4. Use Django Signals: Use Django signals, such as the post_save signal, to automatically assign or remove permissions for staff users based on certain conditions or events.

  5. Leverage Django Admin: Utilize the Django admin interface to manage and assign permissions to staff users. This will allow administrators to easily control and update permissions as needed.

By following these steps, you can effectively restrict permissions for staff users in Django while maintaining flexibility and control over user permissions within your application.