re_path(r'^logout/$',views.logout, {"next_page":'/'},name="logout"), AttributeError: module 'django.contrib.auth.views' has no attribute 'logout'

The error message you encountered, "AttributeError: module 'django.contrib.auth.views' has no attribute 'logout'", suggests that there is no 'logout' attribute in the 'django.contrib.auth.views' module.

The code snippet provided seems to be attempting to define a URL pattern for the logout view using the 're_path' function from Django. It specifies that when the '/logout/' URL is accessed, the 'views.logout' function should be called, passing the argument {"next_page":'/'}, and the name of this URL pattern should be "logout".

However, it seems that the 'django.contrib.auth.views' module does not have a 'logout' attribute, which is causing the error. To resolve this issue, you will need to check if the 'django.contrib.auth.views' module has the appropriate 'logout' attribute, or if you are using the correct import statement for the logout view.