request.build_absolute_uri django

The request.build_absolute_uri() method in Django is used to construct an absolute URL based on the current request. It takes into account the scheme (http or https), domain name, and path of the requested URL.

Here is a step-by-step explanation of how request.build_absolute_uri() works:

  1. The request object represents the incoming HTTP request in Django. It contains information about the client's request, such as the requested URL, headers, and parameters.

  2. The build_absolute_uri() method is a built-in method provided by Django's HttpRequest class. It is used to construct an absolute URL based on the current request.

  3. When build_absolute_uri() is called, it first checks the HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO header in the request. This header is set by reverse proxies or load balancers to indicate the original protocol used by the client. If this header is present and its value is "https", then the URL is constructed with the "https" scheme. Otherwise, the default scheme is "http".

  4. Next, the method checks the HTTP_HOST header in the request. This header contains the domain name of the requested URL. The value of this header is used to construct the URL.

  5. The method then combines the scheme and domain name to form the base URL.

  6. Finally, the build_absolute_uri() method appends the path of the requested URL to the base URL to construct the complete absolute URL.

By using request.build_absolute_uri(), you can ensure that the generated URL is correct and includes the correct scheme, domain name, and path, regardless of whether the request is made over HTTP or HTTPS.