No module named 'bootstrap4' django

To resolve the "No module named 'bootstrap4'" error in Django, follow these steps:

  1. Install Bootstrap 4 using pip by running the following command: bash pip install django-bootstrap4

  2. After successful installation, add 'bootstrap4' to the INSTALLED_APPS list within your Django project's settings file ( python INSTALLED_APPS = [ # other apps... 'bootstrap4', # other apps... ]

  3. Ensure that you've included the Bootstrap 4 CSS and JavaScript files in your HTML templates. Add the necessary tags at the top of your HTML files where you want to utilize Bootstrap 4 components: ```html {% load bootstrap4 %}

{% bootstrap_css %} {% bootstrap_javascript %}


  1. Restart your Django development server to ensure the changes take effect: bash python runserver

Following these steps should resolve the 'bootstrap4' module not found error in Django.