making ckeditor django responsive

To make the CKEditor in Django responsive, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install CKEditor: Begin by installing CKEditor into your Django project. You can do this by using the pip command to install the django-ckeditor package.

  2. Add CKEditor to your Django settings: Once CKEditor is installed, you need to add it to your Django project's settings. In the file, add 'ckeditor' to the INSTALLED_APPS list.

  3. Configure CKEditor: Next, you need to configure CKEditor by adding the following settings to your file:

    'default': {
        'toolbar': 'full',
        'height': 300,
        'width': '100%',

Here, you can customize the toolbar, height, and width values according to your requirements.

  1. Create a CKEditor form field: In your Django forms, you need to use the CKEditorWidget to create a CKEditor form field. Import the widget by adding the following line to the top of your file:
from ckeditor.widgets import CKEditorWidget

Then, define a form field using the CKEditorWidget like this:

class MyForm(forms.Form):
    content = forms.CharField(widget=CKEditorWidget())
  1. Include CKEditor static files: To ensure the CKEditor static files are included in your Django project, add the following line to your project's main file:
urlpatterns = [
    # ...
] + static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)
  1. Use CKEditor in templates: Finally, you can use CKEditor in your templates by rendering the CKEditor form field using the {{ form.content }} template variable.

That's it! Following these steps will allow you to make the CKEditor in Django responsive.