1. Introduction: The provided link directs to the Django documentation page on how to handle static files in a Django project. This guide explains the steps involved in configuring and managing static files, such as CSS, JavaScript, and images, in a Django application.

  2. Step 1: Understanding the Basics The first step introduces the concept of static files and their role in web development. It explains that static files are the resources required to render a web page, such as images, CSS stylesheets, and JavaScript files.

  3. Step 2: Configuring Static Files This step focuses on configuring Django to handle static files. It explains that Django provides a built-in app called "django.contrib.staticfiles" to manage static files. It also mentions the STATIC_URL setting, which determines the URL prefix for static files.

  4. Step 3: Managing Static Files In this step, it discusses how to organize and manage static files within a Django project. It explains that Django follows a convention of placing static files in a "static" directory within each app. It also mentions the {% static %} template tag, which allows referencing static files in templates.

  5. Step 4: Collecting Static Files This step explains how to collect static files into a single directory for deployment. It covers the "collectstatic" management command, which gathers static files from all the apps and places them in a specified directory.

  6. Step 5: Serving Static Files during Development This step focuses on serving static files during the development phase. It explains that Django's development server automatically serves static files when the DEBUG setting is set to True. It also mentions the STATICFILES_DIRS setting, which allows specifying additional directories for static files.

  7. Step 6: Serving Static Files in Production In this step, it explains how to serve static files in a production environment. It mentions the "django.contrib.staticfiles" app and the {% load static %} template tag, which are used to serve static files in production.

  8. Conclusion: The guide concludes by emphasizing the importance of handling static files properly in a Django project. It reiterates the steps discussed and encourages readers to refer to the Django documentation for more detailed information.

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