HTTP Error 403: Forbidden django account signup email

To troubleshoot the HTTP Error 403: Forbidden issue during Django account signup email, we can follow the steps below:

  1. Check Django settings: Confirm that the EMAIL_BACKEND setting in your Django project's settings file ( is properly configured. It should be set to the appropriate email backend you are using, such as 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend' for SMTP backend. Ensure that the EMAIL_HOST, EMAIL_PORT, EMAIL_HOST_USER, and EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD settings are also correctly configured for your email service provider.

  2. Verify email service credentials: Double-check the credentials (username and password) for the email service provider you are using. Make sure the credentials are correct and have the necessary permissions to send emails.

  3. Test email sending functionality: Create a test view or function to send a sample email. This will help determine if the issue is related to the signup logic or the email sending functionality itself. Use Django's built-in EmailMessage or send_mail function to send the test email. Check if the email is successfully sent and received without any errors.

  4. Verify email template and content: Ensure that the email template used for the signup email is correctly configured and contains the necessary placeholders for dynamic content. Check if the placeholders are properly replaced with the actual user-specific data, such as username and activation link.

  5. Check email spam filters: Sometimes, email providers or spam filters may block or mark legitimate emails as spam. Check the spam or junk folder of the recipient's email account to see if the signup email is being filtered. If found in the spam folder, mark it as not spam to prevent future filtering.

  6. Debug email sending errors: Enable Django's email sending debug mode by setting the EMAIL_BACKEND to 'django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend'. This will output the email content to the console instead of actually sending it. Check the console output for any error messages related to email sending. Fix any identified issues based on the error messages.

  7. Check server permissions: If you are using a shared hosting environment, ensure that the server permissions allow your Django application to send emails. Contact your hosting provider to verify if there are any restrictions or firewall rules that might be blocking email sending.

By following these steps, you should be able to troubleshoot the HTTP Error 403: Forbidden issue during Django account signup email.