how to work with django ornm __in

To work with the "ornm__in" filter in Django, follow these steps:

  1. Start by importing the necessary modules in your Django project. This includes importing the models and any other related modules that you will be using.

  2. Define your Django model that contains the field you want to filter with "ornm__in". Make sure to include the appropriate field type for the values you want to filter.

  3. In your view function or class-based view, import the model you defined in step 2.

  4. Query the database using the "ornm__in" filter. This filter allows you to filter for objects where a specific field matches any of the given values.

  5. Use the "ornm__in" filter in your queryset by appending it to the field you want to filter. For example, if you have a field called "my_field" and you want to filter for objects where "my_field" matches any of the given values, you would use the following syntax:

python MyModel.objects.filter(my_field__in=['value1', 'value2', 'value3'])

Replace "MyModel" with the name of your model, and "my_field" with the name of the field you want to filter.

  1. Execute the queryset to retrieve the filtered objects. You can assign the result to a variable or use it directly.

That's it! By following these steps, you can work with the "ornm__in" filter in Django to filter objects based on a specific field and a list of values.