how to save bulk create in django

from django.db import models

# Assume you have a model named YourModel with fields 'field1', 'field2', ...

# List of dictionaries representing data for bulk creation
data_to_create = [
    {'field1': 'value1_1', 'field2': 'value2_1', ...},
    {'field1': 'value1_2', 'field2': 'value2_2', ...},
    # Add more dictionaries as needed

# Step 1: Create instances of the model using the model's manager
instances_to_create = [YourModel(data) for data in data_to_create]

# Step 2: Use bulk_create method to insert instances into the database in a single query


  1. Import the necessary modules and classes from Django:
from django.db import models
  1. Define your model, assuming it's named YourModel with fields like 'field1', 'field2', etc.

  2. Prepare the data for bulk creation. Create a list of dictionaries (data_to_create), where each dictionary represents the values for the fields of your model for a single instance.

  3. Create instances of your model using a list comprehension:

instances_to_create = [YourModel(data) for data in data_to_create]

This step creates a list of model instances with the specified field values.

  1. Use the bulk_create method of the model's manager (accessed through objects) to insert the instances into the database in a single query:

The bulk_create method is more efficient than saving each instance individually as it minimizes database queries.