how to run django tests

  1. Open a terminal window.

  2. Navigate to the Django project directory using the cd command:

cd path/to/your/django/project

  1. Run the Django test management command, specifying the app or specific test module to run:

python test your_app_name

Replace your_app_name with the actual name of your Django app or the specific test module you want to run.

  1. Django will discover and execute all tests within the specified app or module.

  2. Review the test results displayed in the terminal. Django will output information about each test, including whether it passed or failed.

  3. If all tests pass, you will see a summary indicating the number of tests run and the duration.

  4. If any tests fail, Django will provide detailed information about the failures, helping you identify and fix the issues.

  5. Optionally, you can use additional command-line options with python test to control the testing behavior, such as:

  6. Running specific test cases within a module:

    python test your_app_name.tests.test_module.TestClassName

  7. Running tests with verbosity to display more detailed information:

    python test --verbosity=2 your_app_name

  8. Running tests with coverage to measure code coverage:

    coverage run test your_app_name coverage report

Make sure you have the coverage package installed for coverage reporting.

  1. Address any failures or issues identified during the test run by modifying your code accordingly.

  2. Repeat the test execution as needed to ensure the correctness of your Django application.

Note: Adjust the commands and options based on your specific project structure and testing requirements.