how to make a nice login django form

  1. Create a new file named inside your Django app.
  2. Import the necessary modules: from django import forms
  3. Create a class for your login form, for example: class LoginForm(forms.Form):
  4. Define the fields for your login form within the class, for example: username = forms.CharField(label="Username", max_length=100) and password = forms.CharField(label="Password", widget=forms.PasswordInput)
  5. In your view file, import the LoginForm class you just created: from .forms import LoginForm
  6. In the view function, create an instance of the LoginForm: form = LoginForm()
  7. Render the form in your template using the form tag:
    {% csrf_token %}{{ form.as_p }}
  8. Handle form submission and validation in your view function:
  9. Check if the form is valid: if form.is_valid():
  10. Process the form data if valid: username = form.cleaned_data['username'] and password = form.cleaned_data['password']
  11. Redirect to a success page or render the login form again with error messages if the form is not valid.