how to filter queryset with foreign key in django

You can filter a queryset with a foreign key in Django using the double underscore notation. Here are the steps:

  1. If you have a model with a foreign key, for example, if you have a model A with a foreign key to model B, you can filter the queryset of model A based on model B's fields like this:
from myapp.models import A

# Filter the queryset of A based on model B's field
filtered_queryset = A.objects.filter(foreignkey_to_b__field_name='value')
  1. Replace "myapp" with the actual name of your app, "A" with the name of your model, "foreignkey_to_b" with the name of the foreign key field in model A that links to model B, "field_name" with the name of the field in model B you want to filter on, and 'value' with the actual value you want to filter for.

This will filter the queryset of model A based on the specified field in model B.