how to append data in django queryset

# Assuming you have a model named YourModel and you want to append data to a specific queryset

from django.db.models import F

# Step 1: Retrieve the queryset you want to update
your_queryset = YourModel.objects.filter(your_filtering_conditions)

# Step 2: Update the fields using the annotate() method with F() expressions
your_queryset = your_queryset.annotate(
    field_to_update=F('field_to_update') + new_value_to_append

# Step 3: Update the database with the changes

# Optional: If you want to get the updated data, fetch it again
updated_data = YourModel.objects.filter(your_filtering_conditions)

Replace YourModel with the actual name of your Django model, adjust the your_filtering_conditions to match the specific records you want to update, and set the field_to_update to the field you want to append data to. The new_value_to_append should be replaced with the value you want to append to the field.