fix the debug_mode = false django

  1. Open your Django project settings file, typically named

  2. Locate the line that sets the DEBUG variable. It should look like this: python DEBUG = True

  3. Change the value of DEBUG to False: python DEBUG = False

  4. Save the changes to the file.

  5. Additionally, it's recommended to set the ALLOWED_HOSTS variable to a list of valid hostnames for your production environment. Find or add the following line in the file: python ALLOWED_HOSTS = [''] Replace '' with your actual production domain.

  6. Save the changes to the file.

  7. Ensure that your web server (e.g., Nginx or Apache) is properly configured to serve your Django application in production mode.

  8. Restart your Django application and the web server to apply the changes.

  9. Test your application in a production environment to ensure that it works as expected with debugging disabled.

  10. Review the logs for any potential issues and address them accordingly.

Note: Disabling the DEBUG mode in production is crucial for security reasons, as it prevents sensitive information from being leaked in error pages. Always make sure to configure your production environment securely.