fetch last record from django model

To fetch the last record from a Django model, you can follow these steps:

  1. Import the model: Make sure to import the model you want to fetch the last record from. For example, if your model is named "MyModel", you would import it like this: from myapp.models import MyModel.

  2. Query the model: Use the objects attribute of the model to query the database. To fetch the last record, you can use the last() method. This method returns the last object in the model's default ordering or by a specific ordering if provided. Here's an example: last_record = MyModel.objects.last().

  3. Access the record: Once you have fetched the last record, you can access its fields and perform any desired operations. For example, you can access a field named "name" like this: last_record.name.

That's it! These steps should allow you to fetch the last record from a Django model.