extends template django file system

The Django templating language provides a way to dynamically generate HTML, XML, or other text-based formats. It allows you to separate the presentation logic from the business logic in your web application.

The "extends" keyword in Django is used to inherit the contents of one template into another template. It allows you to create a base template with common elements, such as the header, footer, or navigation bar, and then extend it in other templates to reuse those elements.

When using the "extends" keyword, you need to specify the path to the template file you want to inherit from. This path is relative to the "templates" directory in your Django project.

The Django template file system works by searching for templates in a hierarchy of directories. By default, Django looks for templates in the "templates" directory of each installed app, as well as in the "templates" directory in the root of your project.

When you extend a template, Django first looks for that template in the current directory. If it doesn't find it, it goes up one level and looks again, repeating this process until it either finds the template or reaches the root of your project.

Once Django finds the template you want to extend, it loads its contents and processes any template tags or variables within it. Then, it combines the contents of the extended template with the contents of the base template, creating a final output.

This final output is what gets rendered to the user's browser when they access the URL associated with the template.

Overall, the "extends" keyword and the Django template file system are essential tools for creating reusable and modular templates in Django web applications. They allow you to separate your presentation logic into smaller, reusable components, making your code more maintainable and easier to understand.