extends template django

  1. Create a Django project: To start using the Django framework, you need to create a Django project. This can be done by running the command "django-admin startproject projectname" in the terminal. Replace "projectname" with the desired name of your project.

  2. Create a Django app: After creating the project, you need to create a Django app within the project. This can be done by running the command "python manage.py startapp appname" in the terminal. Replace "appname" with the desired name of your app.

  3. Configure the settings: Open the "settings.py" file in your project directory and configure the necessary settings for your project. This includes setting the database connection, configuring static files, defining installed apps, and other project-specific settings.

  4. Create a template directory: In your app directory, create a directory called "templates" if it doesn't already exist. This directory will store your HTML templates.

  5. Create a base template: Inside the "templates" directory, create a file called "base.html". This will serve as the base template for your other templates. In this file, define the basic structure of your HTML document, including the head, body, and any common elements that will be present in all your templates.

  6. Create other templates: Inside the "templates" directory, create additional HTML template files as needed for your application. These templates will inherit from the base template and will contain specific content for each page or section of your application.

  7. Extend the base template: In each of your templates, use the "{% extends 'base.html' %}" tag at the beginning of the file to indicate that it should inherit from the base template. This allows you to reuse the common elements defined in the base template.

  8. Add content blocks: Inside the templates, use the "{% block blockname %}...{% endblock %}" tags to define content blocks. These blocks can be overridden in the child templates to provide specific content for each page or section.

  9. Render the templates: In your views or view functions, use the "render" function to render the templates. This function takes the request object and the template name as arguments and returns a response object that contains the rendered template content.

  10. Display the templates: Finally, configure your URLs to map to the appropriate views that render the templates. This can be done in the "urls.py" file of your app or project.

By following these steps, you can effectively use the Django templating system to create dynamic and reusable HTML templates for your web application.