expected a list of items but got type int . django

  1. The error "expected a list of items but got type int" typically occurs when a Django queryset or list is expected, but an integer is provided instead.

  2. Check the code where the error occurs and verify that the expected variable or parameter should be a list or queryset.

  3. Ensure that the data being passed is indeed a list or queryset, and not an integer or other incompatible type.

  4. Review the Django model or database query that generates the data and confirm that it returns a list or queryset.

  5. If the data source is intended to be a list or queryset, investigate if there are any logical issues or bugs in the code that might lead to an integer being passed instead.

  6. If the issue persists, consider examining any code that modifies or processes the data before it reaches the point where the error occurs.

  7. Use debugging tools such as print statements or a debugger to inspect the values of variables and trace the flow of the code.

  8. Double-check any loops or iterations over the data to ensure that the correct type is maintained throughout the process.

  9. Verify that any functions or methods expecting a list or queryset are not inadvertently receiving an integer as an argument.

  10. If the error persists, inspect the Django model, view, or template where the data is being used and ensure that the data type expectations are consistent with the actual data being provided.