djangodebug toolbar not showing

Check Installation

Make sure that django-debug-toolbar is installed in your Django project. You can do this by checking your requirements.txt file or by running pip show django-debug-toolbar in your terminal.

Middleware Configuration

Ensure that the debug_toolbar.middleware.DebugToolbarMiddleware is added to the MIDDLEWARE setting in your Django project's settings file.

Internal IPs

Confirm that INTERNAL_IPS includes '' or the IP address from which you are accessing the application.

Static Files

Check that the required static files are being loaded by your application. This can be done by inspecting the network tab in your browser's developer tools.

Debug Mode

Make sure that DEBUG is set to True in your Django project's settings file.

Browser Extensions

Disable any browser extensions that might interfere with the display of the debug toolbar.

Template Configuration

Verify that the {% load debug_toolbar %} tag is included at the top of your base template, and that the {% debug_toolbar %} tag is included where you want the toolbar to appear.


Clear your browser cache and try accessing the page again.


Check the Django logs for any errors related to the debug toolbar.


Ensure that the version of django-debug-toolbar you are using is compatible with the version of Django you have installed.

Additional Configuration

If none of the above steps resolve the issue, consult the django-debug-toolbar documentation and community forums for additional troubleshooting steps.