jwd django restfremwork plugin

  1. Navigate to the official Django Book website at

  2. Locate and access the "Chapter 12: Extending the Django Admin Interface" section.

  3. Within Chapter 12, find the subsection titled "Adding Custom Views."

  4. In the "Adding Custom Views" section, search for information on integrating the Django Rest Framework (DRF) plugin with Django.

  5. Follow the provided instructions or code snippets to install the Django Rest Framework plugin. This likely involves using a package manager like pip to install the necessary packages.

  6. Look for any additional configuration steps required for setting up Django Rest Framework within a Django project. This may involve modifying or other configuration files.

  7. Examine the examples or explanations provided for using Django Rest Framework in conjunction with Django. This could include creating serializers, views, or other components necessary for building RESTful APIs.

  8. Pay attention to any considerations or best practices mentioned in the documentation regarding the integration of Django Rest Framework with Django.

  9. Implement the steps outlined in the documentation within your Django project.

  10. Test the integration to ensure that Django Rest Framework is working correctly within your Django application.

  11. Refer to the Django Book website or official Django Rest Framework documentation for any troubleshooting or additional information as needed.