django.db.utils.ProgrammingError: relation "users" does not exist in django 3.0

  1. Check Models: Ensure that the model with the name 'users' is defined in one of your Django apps. Verify that the model is free from syntax errors.

  2. Migrations: Run python makemigrations to create new migration files based on changes in your models.

  3. Database Sync: Execute python migrate to apply the created migrations and sync the database schema with your models.

  4. Database Status: Confirm that the database is created and has the necessary tables. You can use database tools or Django's admin interface to inspect the database.

  5. App Order in Installed Apps: Make sure that the app containing the 'users' model is listed in the INSTALLED_APPS setting of your Django project's file, and it appears before the app where the error is occurring.

  6. Database Connection: Ensure that the database connection settings in your file are correct, pointing to the correct database.

  7. Database Permissions: Check if the database user specified in the file has the necessary permissions to create tables.

  8. Case Sensitivity: Verify the case sensitivity of your model name and its usage in your code. Django uses case-sensitive names for database tables.

  9. Django Version: Ensure that your Django version is compatible with the version of the code you are working with.

  10. Database Existence: Check if the database specified in your settings actually exists. If not, create the database using appropriate database management tools.

  11. Custom Database Routers: If you are using custom database routers, make sure they are correctly configured and not causing the issue.

  12. Check for Circular Imports: Circular imports can sometimes lead to issues. Ensure that your imports and dependencies are structured correctly.

  13. Check for Typos: Examine your code for any typos, especially in model names and database-related settings.

  14. Reset Database: As a last resort, you can try resetting the database by deleting it and running python migrate again. This should be done with caution as it will erase all data in the database.

If the issue persists after performing these steps, further investigation into your specific code and project configuration may be required.