django.db.utils.OperationalError: no such table:

  1. Inspect file for potential issues with the model definition.
  2. Run the makemigrations command to create new migration files based on model changes.
  3. Execute the migrate command to apply the changes to the database.
  4. Verify that the table corresponding to the model is created in the database.
  5. Check for any errors or exceptions during the migration process.
  6. Ensure that the database connection settings in the Django project are accurate.
  7. Examine the database to confirm the existence of the expected table.
  8. Review the migration history in the django_migrations table to check for successful migrations.
  9. If issues persist, consider rolling back migrations using the migrate command with the zero argument and then reapplying migrations.
  10. Investigate whether there are any custom database routers interfering with the migration process.
  11. Look for any custom signals or scripts that might be affecting the database schema.
  12. If the problem persists, examine the database backend to ensure compatibility with Django version.
  13. Consult Django documentation and community resources for specific issues related to the Django version in use.
  14. Debug the application using logging or debugging tools to identify any runtime issues.
  15. Check for any recent changes in the Django version or database backend that might impact migrations.
  16. If all else fails, seek assistance from the Django community or forums for additional insights.