django.db.utils.IntegrityError: column contains null values

  1. Identify the Model: Locate the Django model associated with the database table generating the integrity error.

  2. Check Field Constraints: Inspect the model fields for any constraints that may enforce non-null values, such as null=False in the field definition.

  3. Migration Files: Review the migration files related to the model to ensure that the changes made to the model are reflected in the database schema.

  4. Apply Migrations: Apply any pending migrations using the python migrate command to update the database schema.

  5. Database Inspection: Examine the actual database table using a database management tool to verify the current state of the table and its columns.

  6. Existing Data: Analyze the existing data in the database table to identify any rows that violate the non-null constraints.

  7. Data Migration or Update: If necessary, perform a data migration or update to fill in the null values in the affected column.

  8. Model Changes: If the model requires modification, update the model definition to either allow null values (null=True) or provide default values.

  9. Create and Apply Migration: Create a new migration file and apply the migration to reflect the changes in the database schema.

  10. Test: Verify that the integrity error is resolved by testing the Django application and ensuring that the data is consistent with the updated model and database schema.