django-sslserver · PyPI

Installing django-sslserver

To install django-sslserver, you can use pip, which is a package manager for Python. Use the following command in your terminal or command prompt to install django-sslserver:

pip install django-sslserver

Configuring django-sslserver in Django

Once django-sslserver is installed, you can add it to your Django project's INSTALLED_APPS in the file. Add 'sslserver' to the INSTALLED_APPS list like this:

    # ...

Using django-sslserver

After installing and configuring django-sslserver, you can use it to run an HTTPS development server for your Django project. Use the following command to start the HTTPS server:

python runsslserver

This will start a development server that uses HTTPS, allowing you to test your Django project with SSL encryption.


By following these steps, you can install, configure, and use django-sslserver in your Django project to run an HTTPS development server.