django-filter field name greater than

To filter Django queryset based on a field name greater than a specific value, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Import the necessary modules In your Django project, make sure to import the required modules for working with filters. This includes importing the FilterSet class from the django-filter library.

Step 2: Create a FilterSet class Create a new class that inherits from the FilterSet class. This class will define the filters you want to apply on the queryset. Inside this class, you can define fields and their corresponding lookup expressions.

Step 3: Define the filter fields Within the FilterSet class, define the fields you want to filter on. For example, if you want to filter the queryset based on a 'price' field, you can define a 'price__gt' field, which stands for "greater than". This will allow you to filter the queryset based on values greater than the value provided.

Step 4: Apply the filters To apply the filters, instantiate the FilterSet class with the request data or any other data you want to filter on. Then, call the qs method on the FilterSet instance to get the filtered queryset.

Step 5: Use the filtered queryset You can now use the filtered queryset in your code as desired. For example, you can iterate over the queryset to display the filtered results.

That's it! By following these steps, you can filter a Django queryset based on a field name greater than a specific value using django-filter.