django __str__ self multiple

Django is a popular web framework written in Python that follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern. In Django, the str method is a special method that allows you to define how an instance of a model should be represented as a string.

When you define the str method in a model class, it provides a human-readable string representation of the object. This method is called when you use the object as a string, such as when you print it or display it in the Django admin interface.

Here are the steps to use the str method in Django:

  1. Define a model class: First, you need to define a model class in your Django application. This class represents a database table, and each instance of the class represents a row in the table.

  2. Add the str method: Inside the model class, you need to add the str method. This method takes one parameter, which is the instance of the model itself, and returns a string representation of the object.

  3. Customize the str method: Inside the str method, you can customize the string representation of the object by accessing its attributes and formatting them as a string. You can include any relevant information you want to display, such as the object's name, title, or any other meaningful attribute.

  4. Save and run the application: After defining the str method, save the changes to your model class and run your Django application. Now, whenever you use the object as a string, the str method will be called, and you will see the customized string representation of the object.

By using the str method, you can provide a more meaningful and readable representation of your Django model objects, making it easier to work with and understand the data in your application.