django voice lib

  1. Import the required libraries:
  2. from django.http import JsonResponse: This library is used to create a JSON response.
  3. from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt: This library is used to exempt the view from CSRF protection.

  4. Define the view function:

  5. Use the @csrf_exempt decorator to exempt the view function from CSRF protection.
  6. Define a function that takes a request as an argument.

  7. Get the request data:

  8. Use the request.body attribute to access the raw request data.
  9. Convert the request data from bytes to string using the decode() method.

  10. Process the request data:

  11. Perform any required data processing or manipulation on the request data.

  12. Prepare the response data:

  13. Create a Python dictionary or object that represents the response data.

  14. Return the response:

  15. Use the JsonResponse class to create a JSON response.
  16. Pass the prepared response data as an argument to the JsonResponse class.

  17. Set the response status code:

  18. Use the status parameter of the JsonResponse class to set the desired HTTP status code for the response.

  19. Return the JSON response:

  20. Use the return keyword to send the JSON response back to the client.