django view - apiview decorator (retrieve, update or delete - GET, PUT, DELETE)

The @api_view decorator in Django is used to specify the allowed methods for a view function in an API. It is commonly used with the APIView class-based view to define the actions that can be performed on a resource.

The retrieve method, which corresponds to the HTTP GET request, is used to retrieve a specific instance of a resource. It typically returns a single object or a representation of that object.

The update method, which corresponds to the HTTP PUT request, is used to update an existing instance of a resource. It typically takes the updated data as input and modifies the existing object accordingly.

The delete method, which corresponds to the HTTP DELETE request, is used to delete a specific instance of a resource. It typically removes the object from the database or marks it as deleted.

In summary, the @api_view decorator in Django is used to specify the allowed methods for a view function in an API. The retrieve method is used to retrieve a specific instance of a resource, the update method is used to update an existing instance of a resource, and the delete method is used to delete a specific instance of a resource.