django versatileimagefield

  1. Install the Django VersatileImageField package:

pip install django-versatileimagefield

  1. Add 'versatileimagefield' to the INSTALLED_APPS list in your Django project's settings:

python INSTALLED_APPS = [ # ... 'versatileimagefield', ]

  1. Run migrations to create the necessary database tables for VersatileImageField:

python makemigrations python migrate

  1. Define a VersatileImageField in your model:

```python from versatileimagefield.fields import VersatileImageField

class YourModel(models.Model): image = VersatileImageField(upload_to='images/') # other fields... ```

  1. In your template, use the versatileimagefield filter to display the image:

```html {% load versatileimagefield_tags %}

Thumbnail ```

Replace '100x100' with the desired size for the thumbnail.

  1. Customize the image variations in your settings:

python VERSATILEIMAGEFIELD_SETTINGS = { 'cache_length': 2592000, 'cache_name': 'versatileimagefield_cache', 'create_images_on_demand': True, 'image_key_post_processor': 'versatileimagefield.datastructures.image_key_post_processor', 'progressive_jpeg': False, 'sync_backend': 'versatileimagefield.backends.pillow.PillowBackend', 'webp_quality': 80, 'jpeg_quality': 70, 'png_compression_level': 9, 'cache_enabled': True, }

Adjust these settings based on your project requirements.

  1. Optionally, implement additional features such as cropping, filtering, and overlays as per the documentation:

Remember to replace 'YourModel' with the actual name of your model and adjust paths and settings based on your project structure and requirements.