django validate_comma_separated_integer_list

The validate_comma_separated_integer_list function in Django is used to validate a comma-separated list of integers. This function takes in a single argument, which is the comma-separated list of integers to be validated. The validation is performed in several steps:

  1. The input string is split by commas to extract individual integer values.
  2. Each extracted value is then checked to ensure that it is a valid integer.
  3. If any of the extracted values is not a valid integer, a ValidationError is raised, indicating that the input list contains non-integer values.
  4. If all the extracted values are valid integers, the validation process is considered successful.

This function is commonly used in Django forms for validating input data, especially when dealing with lists of integers. It ensures that the input conforms to the expected format and data type, providing a mechanism for robust data validation in Django applications.