django trigger when an instance od data is deleted from model

Django provides a mechanism for triggering actions when an instance of data is deleted from a model. This mechanism is called a "pre_delete" signal.

Here are the steps involved in setting up and using the pre_delete signal in Django:

  1. Import the pre_delete signal from the django.db.models.signals module.
  2. Import the receiver decorator from the django.dispatch module.
  3. Define a function that will be called when an instance is deleted.
  4. Decorate the function with the receiver decorator, passing in the pre_delete signal and the sender model.
  5. Within the function, you can perform any desired actions when an instance is deleted, such as deleting related records or sending notifications.
  6. Register the signal by calling the signal.connect() method, passing in the function and the sender model.

By following these steps, you can ensure that the defined function is executed whenever an instance of the specified model is deleted. This allows you to perform additional actions or cleanup tasks as needed.