django template tags capitalize

In Django, you can use the capitalize template filter to capitalize the first letter of a string. Here's how to use it:

  1. Start by opening your Django template where you want to capitalize a string.

  2. Identify the variable or string that you want to capitalize. For example, if you have a variable called my_string, and you want to capitalize it, you can do the following:

{{ my_string|capitalize }}
  1. The | symbol is used to apply filters in Django templates, and in this case, you are applying the capitalize filter to the my_string variable.

  2. When the template is rendered, Django will capitalize the first letter of the string stored in the my_string variable, and the result will be displayed in the rendered HTML.

Here's an example of what the rendered output might look like:

If my_string contains "hello world," the rendered output will be:

Hello world

That's how you can use the capitalize template filter in Django to capitalize the first letter of a string.