django template filter

Django template filters are used to modify the representation of data in Django templates. They allow you to perform various transformations, such as formatting dates, converting strings to uppercase or lowercase, and manipulating lists.

To use a filter in a Django template, you can follow these steps:

  1. Start by identifying the data that you want to modify using a filter. For example, if you have a variable called my_variable that contains a string, you can apply a filter to it.

  2. In the template, enclose the variable in double curly braces: {{ my_variable }}.

  3. After the variable, add a vertical bar | followed by the name of the filter you want to use. For example, if you want to convert the string to uppercase, you can use the upper filter: {{ my_variable|upper }}.

  4. Some filters accept arguments. If a filter requires an argument, you can pass it by separating the filter name and the argument with a colon :. For example, if you want to truncate a string to a certain length, you can use the truncatechars filter and specify the maximum number of characters: {{ my_variable|truncatechars:20 }}.

  5. You can chain multiple filters together to perform multiple transformations on the data. To do this, simply add another filter after the first one, separated by a |. For example, you can convert a string to uppercase and then truncate it: {{ my_variable|upper|truncatechars:20 }}.

  6. Django provides a set of built-in filters that you can use out of the box. However, you can also create your own custom filters if needed.

That's it! By following these steps, you can use Django template filters to modify the representation of data in your Django templates.