django template capitalize equivalent


To capitalize a string in Django templates, you can use the capfirst template filter. This filter capitalizes the first character of a string. Here's how you can use it:

  1. Start by opening your Django template file where you want to capitalize the string.

  2. Identify the variable or value that you want to capitalize. Let's assume you have a variable named my_string that contains the string you want to capitalize.

  3. Use the capfirst filter in your template code to capitalize the string. Here's an example:

django {{ my_string|capfirst }}

In this example, my_string is the variable containing the string, and capfirst is the template filter that capitalizes the first character of the string.

  1. Save the template file and run your Django application. The string will now be capitalized in the rendered output.

That's it! By using the capfirst template filter, you can easily capitalize a string in Django templates.