django sort queryset

To sort a queryset in Django, you can follow these steps:

  1. Start by importing the model that you want to query and sort. For example, if you want to sort a queryset of books, you would import the Book model:
from myapp.models import Book
  1. Next, use the order_by() method on the queryset to specify the field(s) you want to sort by. You can pass one or multiple fields to the order_by() method, separated by commas. For example, to sort the books by their publication date in descending order:
books = Book.objects.order_by('-publication_date')

In this example, the minus sign before publication_date indicates that the sorting should be done in descending order. If you omit the minus sign, the sorting will be done in ascending order.

  1. You can also sort by multiple fields by passing them to the order_by() method in the desired order. For example, to sort the books first by their author's last name in ascending order, and then by their publication date in descending order:
books = Book.objects.order_by('author__last_name', '-publication_date')

In this example, the author__last_name field is used to sort the books by the last name of their author.

  1. Finally, you can iterate over the sorted queryset to access the sorted objects. For example, to print the title of each book in the sorted queryset:
for book in books:

By following these steps, you can sort a queryset in Django based on one or multiple fields. Remember to adapt the code to your specific model and field names.