django route accept params with character

from django.urls import path
from . import views

urlpatterns = [
    path('products/<str:category>/', views.products_by_category, name='products_by_category'),
from django.shortcuts import render
from django.http import HttpResponse

def products_by_category(request, category):
    return HttpResponse(f'Products in the {category} category')

Explanation: 1. In the file, a URL pattern is defined using Django's path function. 2. The path is set to 'products//', where <str:category> defines a URL parameter named 'category' that accepts a string. 3. This URL pattern will match any URL starting with 'products/' followed by a string value for the 'category' parameter. 4. The URL pattern is linked to the products_by_category view function. 5. In the file, the products_by_category function takes two parameters: request and category. 6. The category parameter corresponds to the value captured from the URL. 7. Inside the products_by_category function, an HTTP response is generated, displaying a message indicating the category extracted from the URL. 8. When a user accesses a URL like '/products/books/', the 'books' string will be captured as the 'category' parameter and displayed in the response message.