django redirect to external url

To redirect to an external URL in Django, you can follow these steps:

  1. Import the HttpResponseRedirect class from the django.http module.
  2. In your view function or class, create an instance of HttpResponseRedirect and pass the external URL as an argument.
  3. Return the instance of HttpResponseRedirect as the response.

Here's an example of how to implement this:

from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect

def redirect_to_external(request):
    external_url = ""
    return HttpResponseRedirect(external_url)

In this example, we import the HttpResponseRedirect class from the django.http module. Then, in the redirect_to_external view function, we set the external_url variable to the desired external URL. Finally, we return an instance of HttpResponseRedirect with external_url as the argument.

When this view is requested, Django will redirect the user to the specified external URL.