django recapcha

  1. Install Django-recaptcha package: Begin by installing the Django-recaptcha package using pip. Open your command prompt or terminal and run the following command:

pip install django-recaptcha

  1. Add 'captcha' to installed apps: In your Django project's file, locate the INSTALLED_APPS list and add 'captcha' to the list. It should look like this:

python INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... 'captcha', ... ]

  1. Generate reCAPTCHA keys: Visit the reCAPTCHA website and sign in with your Google account. Once signed in, navigate to the reCAPTCHA admin console and register a new site. You will need to provide a label for your site and choose the reCAPTCHA type (v2 Checkbox or v2 Invisible).

  2. Add reCAPTCHA keys to In your Django project's file, locate the RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY and RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY variables. Set their values to the corresponding keys generated in the previous step. It should look like this:

python RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY = 'your_public_key' RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY = 'your_private_key'

  1. Include reCAPTCHA in your forms: In the form where you want to include the reCAPTCHA, import the ReCaptchaField from the captcha.fields module. You can then add the ReCaptchaField to your form's fields. Here's an example:

```python from captcha.fields import ReCaptchaField

class MyForm(forms.Form): ... captcha = ReCaptchaField() ... ```

  1. Display reCAPTCHA in your template: In your template file, use the captcha template tag to render the reCAPTCHA field. Here's an example:


{% csrf_token %} {{ form.as_p }}


Note that form is the instance of your form passed to the template.

  1. Verify reCAPTCHA response: In your Django view, you need to validate the reCAPTCHA response. You can use the is_valid() method of your form to check if the reCAPTCHA is valid. Here's an example:

python def my_view(request): if request.method == 'POST': form = MyForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): # reCAPTCHA is valid # Process form data ... else: form = MyForm() return render(request, 'my_template.html', {'form': form})

And that's it! You have successfully implemented reCAPTCHA using Django-recaptcha in your Django project.