django read mesage

  1. Import necessary modules:
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
from twilio.twiml.messaging_response import MessagingResponse
  1. Create a view function with csrf_exempt decorator to handle incoming POST requests from Twilio:
def twilio_webhook(request):
  1. Check if the request method is POST:
    if request.method == 'POST':
  1. Get the message body from the incoming request:
        body = request.POST.get('Body', '')
  1. Define your logic to process the received message (body) as needed:
        # Your custom logic here
        response_message = "Thank you for your message. We'll get back to you soon!"
  1. Create a Twilio MessagingResponse object:
        twilio_response = MessagingResponse()
  1. Add a message to the response with the custom reply:
  1. Return the Twilio response as an HTTP response:
        return HttpResponse(str(twilio_response))
  1. If the request method is not POST, return an empty HTTP response:
        return HttpResponse()
  1. Include the URL pattern for this view in your Django project's
# Example URL configuration
from django.urls import path
from .views import twilio_webhook

urlpatterns = [
    path('twilio-webhook/', twilio_webhook, name='twilio_webhook'),
  1. Configure your Twilio phone number to use the webhook URL (/twilio-webhook/) for incoming messages.

Note: Ensure you have the required packages installed (twilio in this case) and configured with your Twilio account credentials.