django queryset with multiple contain keyword

To perform a Django queryset with multiple contain keywords, you can use the Q object along with the filter method. The Q object allows you to perform complex queries by combining multiple conditions.

Here are the steps to achieve this:

  1. Import the necessary modules:
from django.db.models import Q
from .models import YourModel
  1. Define your contain keywords:
keyword1 = "keyword1"
keyword2 = "keyword2"
  1. Use the Q object to create the conditions for the contain keywords:
conditions = Q(field1__icontains=keyword1) | Q(field2__icontains=keyword2)

In the above code, field1 and field2 are the fields in your model that you want to search for the contain keywords. The icontains lookup is used to perform a case-insensitive search for the contain keywords.

  1. Apply the conditions to the queryset:
results = YourModel.objects.filter(conditions)

In the above code, YourModel is the name of your Django model. The filter method is used to apply the conditions to the queryset and retrieve the matching objects.

  1. Access the results: You can now access the matching objects in the results queryset and perform any further operations on them.

That's it! You have now performed a Django queryset with multiple contain keywords using the Q object and the filter method.