django queryset group by sum

To achieve a Django queryset group by sum, you can follow these steps:

  1. Start by importing the necessary modules and models. This may include importing the django.db.models module and the specific models you will be working with.

  2. Next, use the annotate() method on your queryset to add a calculated field that represents the sum of the desired field. This can be done by passing the Sum() function from the django.db.models module as an argument to the annotate() method. The Sum() function takes the field you want to sum as a parameter.

  3. After annotating the queryset, you can chain the values() method to group the queryset by one or more fields. The values() method takes the field(s) you want to group by as arguments.

  4. Finally, you can chain the order_by() method to order the queryset based on the grouped field(s). The order_by() method takes the field(s) you want to order by as arguments.

By following these steps, you will be able to perform a Django queryset group by sum.