django queryset get all distinct

To get all distinct values from a Django queryset, you can follow these steps:

  1. Start by importing the necessary modules: python from django.db.models import Count

  2. Use the values() method on the queryset to specify the fields you want to include in the result: python distinct_values = MyModel.objects.values('field1', 'field2')

  3. To filter out duplicate values, chain the annotate() method with the Count function: python distinct_values = distinct_values.annotate(count=Count('id')).filter(count=1)

  4. Finally, you can retrieve the distinct values by iterating over the queryset: python for value in distinct_values: # Access the distinct field values field1_value = value['field1'] field2_value = value['field2'] # Do something with the distinct values

By following these steps, you will be able to obtain a queryset that contains all distinct values for the specified fields.